How to create a Subcontractor Request Form in Slack for construction companies

Request a subcontractor for a construction project

Great for construction companies

Use the Sub Req Form to easily gather information about subcontractors. Provide their name, company, contact information, and role description all in one place. Submit the form with just one click!

Add the Subcontractor Request form to your workspace to update it's title, add more inputs and change how it's used in by your team in Slack.

Used by these great teams...

Add this form to your Slack workspace...

Sign in with Slack to add Forms to your Slack workspace. The Subcontractor Request form will be preconfigured for you.

Open this the form in any Slack channel using the slash command: /form Subcontractor Request Form


Want to review or test the Subcontractor Request form yourself? Here is the raw JSON you can use with Slack's Block Kit builder:

{"type":"modal","title":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Sub Req Form","emoji":true},"submit":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Submit","emoji":true},"close":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Cancel","emoji":true},"blocks":[{"type":"section","block_id":"sub_name","text":{"type":"mrkdwn","text":"Please provide the name of the subcontractor:"}},{"type":"input","block_id":"sub_company","element":{"type":"plain_text_input","action_id":"sub_company_input","placeholder":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Enter the name of the subcontractors company","emoji":true}},"label":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Subcontractor Company","emoji":true}},{"type":"input","block_id":"sub_contact","element":{"type":"plain_text_input","action_id":"sub_contact_input","placeholder":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Enter the contact information for the subcontractor","emoji":true}},"label":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Subcontractor Contact Info","emoji":true}},{"type":"input","block_id":"sub_description","element":{"type":"plain_text_input","action_id":"sub_description_input","multiline":true,"placeholder":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Enter a brief description of the subcontractors role","emoji":true}},"label":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Subcontractor Role Description","emoji":true}}]}

About Forms for Slack

The Forms for Slack Slack app allows teams to create, edit and submit forms in Slack. Visit our Slack directory listing here.

Create your own Form, or start with one of our many templates.

Collect Form responses in any channel, or use our Zapier integration to send your Subcontractor Request form responses to Google Sheets, Notion or 3,000+ other systems.

Start your free trial by adding Forms to your Slack workspace.