How to submit a form in Slack

Help > How to submit a form in Slack

To open a form type /form and hit send in the channel you would like to submit the formMore information is available on slash commands on Slack's website.

There are two ways to submit a form using the Forms app, depending on the forms settings:

- Channel - these forms are triggered with the /form slash command.

- Keyword - these forms can be triggered in any channel using a keyword.

Channel Example

I want to create a form that anyone can submit in the #feedback channel of my workspace. 

When creating the form, I assign the form to the #feedback channel.

slack forms assign form to channel

 To trigger the form, I type /form and hit send or enter.

slack forms trigger channel form



Keyword Example

I might have a form that lets users submit article ideas in any channel in my workspace . Maybe I'm using the Forms Zapier integration to send responses to a Google Sheet.

To do that, I want to assign the form a keyword.

In the Form creator I a a form to the keyword "article".

forms for slack - assigning a form to a keyword


To open the form in any channel, just send /form article.

Forms for slack - triggering form with keyword

Video Thumbnail


For more information see - What's the difference between assigning a form to a keyword or channel.