Make Form Fields Optional

Forms for Slack > Blog > Make Form Fields Optional

We've now added the ability to make your Form fields optional. When a form field is marked as optional, a user will not have to provide a response to that field when submitting the form. 

Our biggest challenge when implementing this was creating an intuitive user experience while you're creating the form. We mark form fields as optional in the Form creator so that you don't have to provide a response to every field while you're creating the Form. 

When a form field is optional in the Form creator, it will be have a (*) next to it's title. 

Slack Form Field - Marked as Optional

Making Form Fields Optional

You can make a Form field optional by clicking the drop down on any element and selecting "Make Optional". 

You can make a field required by clicking the drop down on any element and selecting "Make Required". 

Make Slack Form Field Optional - Forms for Slack Image


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Written by: Josh

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